This used to be a signature service project of the Alabama Kiwanis Foundation
Each year, we were able to serve over 22,000 at-risk young children. Because of our dedication to their early literacy needs, these families now have books in their homes and now CAN HAVE family literacy. Since our program began in 1990, we have worked together to give over 511,000 at-risk young Alabamians ONE MILLION 543,000 quality, age-appropriate books, for most, the FIRST AND ONLY BOOKS in their homes!
How did Gulf Shores Kiwanis participate?
Each year, there were three reading and distribution opportunities (November, February, April) at our Magnolia Springs Head Start School. Our club sponsored this effort to the tune of between $1,000 - 2,000 dollars each year, which paid for the books to be labeled and shipped directly to the school. Then on designated dates, five of our members visited the school to personally read to and with the children of three classrooms in small groups. When finished, we wrote their names in the books and declare them the owners of their own books. One of our members participated in this program for over two decades! It was truly one of the best things we did, and any of our members that participated always returned to participate again. We truly miss this hands on opportunity to make a difference in the lives of children.
Contact Steve Jones at 251-609-5292 for information.
Kiwanis Club of Gulf Shores Alabama